1992 Norman J Field Lecture in Science


Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss

Yale University

(now chair of the Physics Dept, Case Western Reserve University)

Sunday, 15 November 1992

2:00 pm

Monmouth County Library

125 Symmes Drive

Manalapan, NJ  07726


Free and Open to the Public

Dr. Krauss is the internationally-known author of more than 90 scientific publications, as well as numerous popular articles on physics and astronomy. He is the author of "The Fifth Essence: The Search for Dark Matter in the Universe" (1989), and is writing a second book entitled "Fear of Physics". He has received numerous awards, and has lectured extensively to audiences at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and the Museum of Natural History. Dr. Krauss is a 1992-1993 Sigma Xi National Lecturer. His talk promises to be particularly interesting in light of news reports and photos of recently discovered cosmic structure just after the beginning of the universe.

The Norman J Field Lectures in Science were established in 1991 in memory of Dr. Norman J Field, and are cosponsored by the Monmouth County Section of the American Chemical Society, the Monmouth Junior Science Symposium, the Friends of the Monmouth County Library Association, the Monmouth County School Boards Association, and by the Rutgers University Chapter of Sigma Xi, an international scientific research society. Dr. Field was widely recognized for his contributions in the area of public education. He maintained a lifelong personal and professional interest in scientific issues. It is hoped that this lecture series will serve to promote similar interest in science and science education among both younger and older members of the community.

For additional information please contact:

Ken Field


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