Dr. Margretta Reed Seashore Director of Medical Studies Department of Genetics Yale University School of Medicine Sunday, 14 November 1993 2:00 pm Monmouth County Library 125 Symmes Drive Manalapan, NJ 07726 908-431-7220 Free and Open to the Public
Dr. Seashore is a professor of genetics and pediatrics at Yale University School of Medicine. She has lectured extensively on genetics, and on the Human Genome Project, a 20-year collaborative effort to decipher the entire human genetic code. Her lecture will explain this fascinating project, recently brought to popular media attention by the blockbuster film "Jurassic Park". In addition, she will address some of the new possibilities and dilemmas posed by recent advances in genetics. From destiny to chance to choice, the genetic revolution is changing our ability to understand and control aspects of our lives. Dr. Seashore will describe and explain some of these far-reaching changes, and the confusing moral and ethical issues they raise.
Dr. Seashore was born and raised in Red Bank, NJ, and is a daughter of Robert and Lillie Reed of Tinton Falls, NJ. She attended Red Bank High School prior to college and graduate studies at Swarthmore College and Yale University.
The Norman J Field Lectures in Science were established in 1991 in memory of Dr. Norman J Field, and are cosponsored by the Monmouth County Section of the American Chemical Society, the Monmouth Junior Science Symposium, the Friends of the Monmouth County Library Association, the Monmouth County School Boards Association, and by the Rutgers University Chapter of Sigma Xi, an international scientific research society. Dr. Field was widely recognized for his contributions in the area of public education. He maintained a lifelong personal and professional interest in scientific issues. It is hoped that this lecture series will serve to promote similar interest in science and science education among both younger and older members of the community.
For additional information please contact: Ken Field fieldk@att.net