Dr. William Craelius Rutgers University Thursday, 26 October 2006 7:30 pm Performing Arts Center Auditorium Monmouth Regional High School (click here for directions) 1 Norman J Field Way Tinton Falls, NJ Refreshments and informal discussion will follow the lecture Free and Open to the Public
Biomedical engineer and inventor Dr. William Craelius is the lead developer of the Dextra artificial hand, the first to let a person use existing nerve pathways to control individual computer-driven mechanical fingers. Dextra has been demonstrated to permit such complex hand activities as typing and piano playing. Dr. Craelius believes that "bionic technologies can be adapted for restoring some degree of almost any lost function," and that if progress continues at its present pace, "the processing for complex bionic activity will be implantable in the brain or elsewhere in the body" within the decade.
Dr. Craelius is a member of the Orthotics and Prosthetics Laboratory of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers University.
The Norman J Field Lectures in Science were established in 1991 in memory of Dr. Norman J Field, and are cosponsored by the Monmouth County Section of the American Chemical Society, the Monmouth Junior Science Symposium, the Monmouth County School Boards Association, and by the Rutgers University Chapter of Sigma Xi, an international scientific research society. Dr. Field was widely recognized for his contributions in the area of public education. He maintained a lifelong personal and professional interest in scientific issues. It is hoped that this lecture series will serve to promote similar interest in science and science education among both younger and older members of the community.
For additional information please contact:
Ken Field