"It's a GREAT CD"
Mitchell Feldman, Georgia Public Broadcasting
"It's urban tribal music -- undeniably sensual, often improvised, and always synchronized in celebration. And on RSE's long-anticipated, it's delivered in precision bursts of audacious, sliding horns, and locomotive beats."
Tristram Lozaw
"A fabulous Mardi Gras-themed album of horn-heavy, funky, and energetic party music."
John Schaefer, WNYC RadioNew Sounds
"Captures the abandon of a street parade while expanding its stylistic scope ... it's got the essential ingredients spiced with fresh flavors."
Dan Ouellette, Brown Alumni Magazine
"Man, this snake can move!"
Matthew Robinson,
"Urban tribal music that blends an audacious New Orleans brass spirit with the sensual fever of African and Latin rhythms."
The Boston Herald
"Simply put, this is one of the most successful combinations of booty-shaking & brain-stimulating music to be released this year, and it deserves your attention post-haste."
Brett McCallon, Splendid
"Great Music!"
James Cervantes, KWVA, Eugene, Oregon
"It's incredible!"
Meghan Currier, Music Director, WERS Jazz Oasis, Boston, MA
"Year of the Snake is killer!"
Clay Gaunce, WRFL, Lexington, Kentucky
"Musical innovator Ken Field...[drags] the brass band into the 21st century."
Seth Rogovoy, Berkshire Eagle
"Imagine a New Orleans brass band coupled to JB horns and firing off just enough improvisation to keep things unpredictable. Things have certainly heated up in Boston!"
Nils Jacobson, All About Jazz
"The CD is amazing"
Dan Bodah, WFMU Radio
"It's all here - music for the head, the heart, and the feet"
Scott Billington, Two-time Grammy-winning New Orleans music producer
"Great work - making quite a buzz around here!"
David Eisenman, Jazz & Blues Director, WTJU, Charlottesville, VA
"Top 10 pick for 2003"
Glenn Astarita, New Orleans Gambit Weekly
"One serious party album - an instrumental record infectious enough to keep the bodily juices bubbling, and interesting enough to keep the noggin engaged, as well."
Charles Winokoor, Taunton Daily Gazette
"Terrific recording!"
David Beckett, Jazz Music Director, WWPV, Vermont
Maurizio Comandini, All About Jazz Italia
Year of the Snake (Innova Recordings 599) is the debut recording by the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble.
Available from Innova Recordings.